Look what greeted us
Looking towards the swing-seat

To the right of the seat is an Euonymus Alatus

beneath which is a Tropiollum Speciosum that we're hoping will grow through the Euonymus and up into the Yew. It worked once before but the slugs and the lawn mower damaged them beyond recovery. Hence planting in a tube with a band of, hopefully, slug repelling copper.

The best show, in six years, of the Helianthemum. Not sure it goes with the purples of the Heuchera and Alliums, but, hey...

We've made some minor changes to this border - I do hope they work out. Keep watching this space

The Alliums are looking good, with the Stipa Gigantea just coming into bloom in front. The Stipa wasn't too good last year (just a couple of weedy flower spikes) but it's throwing up spikes left, right and centre this year.


All nice fresh growth: it was practically bare when we went on holiday.

The Ceanothus still flowering after all these weeks.

To the right of the seat is an Euonymus Alatus
beneath which is a Tropiollum Speciosum that we're hoping will grow through the Euonymus and up into the Yew. It worked once before but the slugs and the lawn mower damaged them beyond recovery. Hence planting in a tube with a band of, hopefully, slug repelling copper.
The best show, in six years, of the Helianthemum. Not sure it goes with the purples of the Heuchera and Alliums, but, hey...
We've made some minor changes to this border - I do hope they work out. Keep watching this space
The Alliums are looking good, with the Stipa Gigantea just coming into bloom in front. The Stipa wasn't too good last year (just a couple of weedy flower spikes) but it's throwing up spikes left, right and centre this year.
All nice fresh growth: it was practically bare when we went on holiday.
The Ceanothus still flowering after all these weeks.
New fronds sprouting on the Tree Fern, while the area beneath reveals itself when the old fronds have been removed. Far more lush than when we went on holiday.
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