Janet and Steve's Garden

For anyone who happens to have stumbled across this blog in the hope of finding insights to the meaning of life, serious discourse on matters of great import or any sharp wit, then you've certainly come to the wrong place. This is just a simple diary of one couple's gardening experiences, published so that family and friends can see the garden develop.

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Location: Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

I'm just this guy ...

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Spring has ...

I thought a quick "Hello" from the cats before looking at the garden was in order...




We've been busy and the plants are responding to the weather so the garden is changing rapidly. I haven't had time to take so many photographs but I hope that you enjoy those I've posted on here.

The Acer, Sangu Kaku, is developing nicely in the front garden. We bought this for the coral bark originally, and having seen a mature example in the Winter garden at Anglesey Abbey. We think it will develop into really good winter-colour shrub. On the other hand, the leaves have a great colour to them and appear to give yet another season of impact.

In the back garden there are a few changes. I did some dead-heading on the Camillia and turned the pot around. It's given a great show so far and I've noticed that there are still quite a few buds yet to bloom.

I thought i'd show off the Azalea by the other pond. We have three of these; one just on the other side of the path and partly hidden by a Phormium (spelling?), and another next to the tree fern by the lounge window. Neither of the others are flowering nearly as well as this one.

Just beneath the tree fern are a couple of Erythroniums (spelling; again?) and Corydalis (Janet thinks that how it's spelt - I, obviously trust her implicitly in this matter)


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