No Pictures?
Plenty has been happening but unfortunately we haven't been taking photographs. Worse, the PC collapsed in a heap and we've lost a huge amount of the photographic record thatwe've been keeping. However, the "Don't throw it away it'll come in handy one day" approach seems to have worked in my favour. I found a couple of CD's that i'd made with quite a few photographs on. Unfortunately, not dated so I don't have the audit-trail I was hoping for.
What it has done, though, is to remind me just how much has changed in the garden, so I'm thinking that the occasional "before" and "after" entry might be interesting.
The last few weeks have seen us make some quite obvious changes (well, obvious to anyone who knows the garden anyway). The large Euonymous to the rear of the Yew tree has been removed to make space for a swing seat. This necessitated moving the Photinia back a little so that we will have good view across the garden.
The black bamboo has been moved from behind the pond to the border at the back of the house, linking the fastigate tree (fruits like a crab-apple) with the Photinia. By moving it we get greater privacy from the (new) neighbours in the house to the rear of ours, and fewer leaves will be shed into the pond.
We have removed the Buddlea from the side of the patio (really must do before and after photo's on this one if I can find any of the Buddlea) - it was overhanging the patio and made it much too small; also helps with reducing the number of leaves shed into he pond.
The Lycesteria that was behind the bamboo has never really thrived, so we have removed that. The root were all rotten, which may explain why it was poorly.
The Butea Capitata (spelling) that was in the "Exotic" border is now behind the pond... replacing the black bamboo and the Lycesteria, and a small bamboo, moved from by the house, has replaced the Buddlea (photos to follow - honestly!)
We've dug a ruddy-great hole under the fir by the summer house, lined it with builder's polythene and put loads of compost in the hole while refilling it. We're hoping that this has a similar effect to when we made the bog-garden and retains rainwater and the soil moist. We've replanted a couple of Cornus shrubs as it wil provide some colour during the winter (I noticed the sun on them just after i'd moved them - with the yellow Euonimous in the background, they just shone beautifully.
Then there's the "prairie border" ... as it's been renamed (it's not actually a prairie border but naming the various parts of the garden helps us when chatting about it).
What it has done, though, is to remind me just how much has changed in the garden, so I'm thinking that the occasional "before" and "after" entry might be interesting.
The last few weeks have seen us make some quite obvious changes (well, obvious to anyone who knows the garden anyway). The large Euonymous to the rear of the Yew tree has been removed to make space for a swing seat. This necessitated moving the Photinia back a little so that we will have good view across the garden.
The black bamboo has been moved from behind the pond to the border at the back of the house, linking the fastigate tree (fruits like a crab-apple) with the Photinia. By moving it we get greater privacy from the (new) neighbours in the house to the rear of ours, and fewer leaves will be shed into the pond.
We have removed the Buddlea from the side of the patio (really must do before and after photo's on this one if I can find any of the Buddlea) - it was overhanging the patio and made it much too small; also helps with reducing the number of leaves shed into he pond.
The Lycesteria that was behind the bamboo has never really thrived, so we have removed that. The root were all rotten, which may explain why it was poorly.
The Butea Capitata (spelling) that was in the "Exotic" border is now behind the pond... replacing the black bamboo and the Lycesteria, and a small bamboo, moved from by the house, has replaced the Buddlea (photos to follow - honestly!)
We've dug a ruddy-great hole under the fir by the summer house, lined it with builder's polythene and put loads of compost in the hole while refilling it. We're hoping that this has a similar effect to when we made the bog-garden and retains rainwater and the soil moist. We've replanted a couple of Cornus shrubs as it wil provide some colour during the winter (I noticed the sun on them just after i'd moved them - with the yellow Euonimous in the background, they just shone beautifully.
Then there's the "prairie border" ... as it's been renamed (it's not actually a prairie border but naming the various parts of the garden helps us when chatting about it).
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