Janet and Steve's Garden

For anyone who happens to have stumbled across this blog in the hope of finding insights to the meaning of life, serious discourse on matters of great import or any sharp wit, then you've certainly come to the wrong place. This is just a simple diary of one couple's gardening experiences, published so that family and friends can see the garden develop.

My Photo
Location: Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

I'm just this guy ...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Monday

By Monday most of the work in the garden had been done. We went shopping for a few plants, and then I abandoned Janet in the garden to go and clean the car and the motorbike.

I haven't shown all of the plants that we bought and that Janet planted. The individual plants aren't that impressive, and to catalogue them would be boring so i've just taken a few general shots and, where the plants appear I will comment on them.

This is a similar photo to that shown in Sunday's blog entry. The sun's out and the freshly painted fence (all Janet's work) brightens the garden. One plant change - a Japanese Maple to the right of the path. It looks lovely close up and was an inspired choice (mine!!!!).

The view from in front of the kitchen across, diagonally to the summer house. The Japanese Maple makes another appearance, you'll see.

From the deck towards the swing - a later photo shows the relative positions of the two.

From the deck across the garden - on the left of the photo is the Yew that was to the right of the previous photo.

This shows the relative positions of the deck and the swing. The patio is to the right of the swing, behind the Yew tree.

This is the path to the back-gate. Normally filled with rubbish to go to the waste recycling centre, we've cleared it and janet's put a couple of climbing plants to reach up to the trellis. One evergreen Honeysuckle, and a climbing Hydrangea. This should provide some colour and, we hope, reduce the output from the boiler reaching the neighbour's.

These started out as a single floret ... now lots! This space is triangular - about nine inches by twelve inches.

Sometimes we get a slightly different view from our garden. It would be good if they would take a photo of the garden from up there.

And last but not least. Aiko ... being very sweet.

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