Late June 2008
I took these photos in June and have only just got around to posting them.
This is the Rose we bought when we stayed at Port Appin in Scotland a couple of years ago. It's a bit too vigorous, has thorns that will sever limbs, flowers above the leaf canopy (this photo is taken from a bedroom window)so the flowers aren't easily apreciated and needs a fair bit of work to keep tidy. Planted next to the conservatory, the scent is beautiful, and fills the garden for tow to three weeks. Is it worth its place planted there? The jury's out and a Wisteria has already been bought ...
Back towards the house from the patio. The plants with yellow spikes were an inspirational buy ... Bought from Pine Lodge gardens, St Austell, Cornwall they've given a trmemndous display. They're tender so we kept one piece in the summer house, while the remainder were heavily mulched (all purpose compost and a covering of bubble-wrap to keep the ground from getting water-logged). Both have flowered well, the ones kept indoors flowering a little later and extending the flowering period.
The border on the left hasn't quite done it for us this year. We replanted much of it last year and it's not worked as well as we'd hoped. A few minor adjustments to give it some Oomph should do the job.

The Hosta at the back of the patio. Not a single sign of slug or snail damage, and totally chemical free. We put copper bands around the container which seem to have worked for pretty well every plant we've used the copper bands on.The view parallel to the conservatory. It's a good view spoilt by the path falling into disrepair as the soil from the surrounding borders hasn't been retained in te borders. To be fixed next month (watch out for the blog entries showing what we're doing).
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