Wall done
The walls are pretty well completed now. We have to wire-brush the bricks to tidy up the joints and, on the advice of a neighbour, put linseed oil on the bricks to disguise where the mortar is on the bricks.
This is looking South East from the conservatory entrance towards the shed.

Looking South West towards the shed, now on the left.

We bought extra slate to top up the old and to replace any we lost during the work we did. The new slate has slate-dust on it which will take several heavy showers to remove. You can see the the final colour where I've sprayed the slate with water. The slate will take a while to settle into place and look established.

Oh, and just for the record, we riddled all of the old slate and then washed it (by riddling it again in a large bucket of water), removing several buckets of detrius in the process. Who needs the gym when you've got walls to build and a path to re-lay?
This is looking South East from the conservatory entrance towards the shed.
Looking South West towards the shed, now on the left.
We bought extra slate to top up the old and to replace any we lost during the work we did. The new slate has slate-dust on it which will take several heavy showers to remove. You can see the the final colour where I've sprayed the slate with water. The slate will take a while to settle into place and look established.
Oh, and just for the record, we riddled all of the old slate and then washed it (by riddling it again in a large bucket of water), removing several buckets of detrius in the process. Who needs the gym when you've got walls to build and a path to re-lay?
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