Janet and Steve's Garden

For anyone who happens to have stumbled across this blog in the hope of finding insights to the meaning of life, serious discourse on matters of great import or any sharp wit, then you've certainly come to the wrong place. This is just a simple diary of one couple's gardening experiences, published so that family and friends can see the garden develop.

My Photo
Location: Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

I'm just this guy ...

Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year

During a quiet post-work, end of year drink in the pub, Colin asked what was happening in the garden as the blog hadn't been updated for some while. I've checked the photo albums on the PC and not only has the blog not been updated since 6th September, I haven't taken any photographs in that time.

That's not to say that we haven't been busy in the garden. Indeed, we have removed a couple of Phormiums that had out-grown the space allotted to them, moved the Photinia from by the swing-seat to replace the yellow Eunonymous beside the patio. The Photinia appeared to have suffered from some sort of blight, possibly fire-blight, and needed to be cut back hard to remove all traces of blighted wood and foliage. As you'll see from one of the photographs, it appears to be thriving in its new position and, if it continues to progress, will make a nice feature.

In place of the Photinia is an Amalanchia which is one of Janet's "must have" plants. It was in the front garden, but was swamped by the surrounding shrubs, so moving it will allow us to see and appreciate it more.

The garden's obviously not at its best at this time of year, but there is colour, you just have to look for it.

The new growth on the Photinia

To be continued ...


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