The photo does not do this Azelia justice. We bought it as a very poor specimen and it's rewarded us with a fabulous display each year. I hope I can work out a way of working around it when we enlarge the pond later this year.

One of our mobile ornaments self-placed in the exotic border.

Oh, how I wish I could recall more plant names. OK, it's a clematis, blue, about to burst into flower ... i'll stop there.

Euphorbia - name unknown. Quite delightful but vigorous (a euphemism for invasive).

One of our mobile ornaments self-placed in the exotic border.
Oh, how I wish I could recall more plant names. OK, it's a clematis, blue, about to burst into flower ... i'll stop there.
Euphorbia - name unknown. Quite delightful but vigorous (a euphemism for invasive).
Paeonia mlokosewitschii Ranunculaceae. Otherwise known as Molly the Witch - Golden Paeony. We've yet to see this flower, it having been in the garden for about three years now. I wonder it's offended by the fact that we can't pronounce its name correctly, choosing to be a little familiar with by calling it "Molly". the bergenia isn't nearly so precious.
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