May is here and the garden is changing at an amazing rate. Self-sown seedlings of Verbena are all over the garden and need thinning (and a few potting up to supplement any that may have been lost over the winter). The Musa's have really suffered and have been cut down to ground level; have we lost them? No. There are several shoots coming up around what were the main stems. Enough wittering. Here are a few photographs to show what has been happening.
Starting at the patio...

Not much to see as far as plants go, but you'll see our posh new table. Well, ok, it's a tree stump that we picked up from Gooderstone Water gardens when we had a few days away around Cambridgeshire. We'd looked for a rustic table but couldn't see anything that suited or needs. Janet spotted some lumps of wood from some felling that they'd done at Gooderstone so we asked the gardener if we could have one; and that's the story of the new table.

We've moved the yellow Acer pot to the other side of the patio and you'll see one of the the rather nice red Azaleas under the red Acer 'Bloodgood'. At the back, by the fence, is a bamboo that's growing rapidly. Unfortunately its name is rather long and I don't remember what it is.

Round to the right of the patio is the "bog" garden, which is coming along nicely. The Ligularia has been moved back away from the pond which gives the pond-plants more light and space to grow, and the yellow grass has been moved from the middle of the bog to the corner and is doing much better.

These Bergenias were inherited but didn't do very well, then we moved them to near the shed (and under the washing line) where they're thriving. This border will be having some work done on it soon - transforming into a rockery!
This is the view from the shed along the path at the back of the house... Lookin' good:

although Janet did point out that the red tulip jarred a little.
And looking in the opposite direction.

And from the end of the path...

Towards the summerhouse

And carry on round

And round and then you're back at the patio.
Then a few close-up photo's