Janet and Steve's Garden

For anyone who happens to have stumbled across this blog in the hope of finding insights to the meaning of life, serious discourse on matters of great import or any sharp wit, then you've certainly come to the wrong place. This is just a simple diary of one couple's gardening experiences, published so that family and friends can see the garden develop.

My Photo
Location: Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

I'm just this guy ...

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Tidying up

Well, yesterday was a day of removing debris from the garden. We have, over the last few weeks been accumulating rubbish as we've tidied the borders and trimmed the Parthenosisus that clambers up the one corner of the house. Since the ladders, fixed to the one wall of the house, were entwined with the plant the first job is to attempt to access them before being able to climb up to start trimming back the Parthenosisus. I'm not sure this is the best time to carry out this trimming but following my Christmas sloth I though I ought to do something!

Happy New year to my reader, by the way ...