Janet and Steve's Garden

For anyone who happens to have stumbled across this blog in the hope of finding insights to the meaning of life, serious discourse on matters of great import or any sharp wit, then you've certainly come to the wrong place. This is just a simple diary of one couple's gardening experiences, published so that family and friends can see the garden develop.

My Photo
Location: Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

I'm just this guy ...

Saturday, September 06, 2008

September - still going strong

Five photos of the "Exotic border" ...

Fascicularia Bicolor (American???)

Musa Sikkemensis

Eucomis comosa "Sparkling Burgundy"

Hedychium forrestii (It's a ginger)

Cautleya spicata (It's another ginger!)

Miscanthus "Ferne Osten" is absolutely delightful this year. The flowers are a lovely deep colour.
Looking from the path near the conservatory toward the summer house, much of the garden is starting to be past its best, but there's still enough to draw the eye.

The Morning Glory is stunning, climbing through the red climbing rose (possibly Dublin Bay).

Rosa glauca (possibly rubrifolia)

(White) Anemone Honorine jobert

The Chocolate Cosmos next to the Sedum has formed an unexpected combination - it certainly wasn't planned to have the pink combination, but it does work very nicely
The Yucca in the front garden has seven flower spikes on it. That's the most it's had since we've lived here. It should be a fabulous display. Do they have a scent? I don't recall.

Monday, September 01, 2008

In the front garden in August

Loading photos is slow, so just the four of the front garden.

The blue Hibiscus is rather splendid

And across the garden
Towards the front of the house. the Cannas are in pots - we potted them up to overwinter them but ran out of space to plant them all, the result being that these have grown in their containers which just got placed where you see them.

The garden from the other end.