10th February
This is a Pieris .. it's a lovely colour and effect but we seem to lose leaves each year. As you can see, the ones at the top don't look too healthy, but those just below look fine.
No idea what this is .. it was just a blade of red grass that last year we decided needing nurturing, now it's thriving along side the path in the front garden.
See the geranium .. that's supposed to be tender. Not in our garden it isn't. Indeed, it's a prolific self-seeder.
That's not supposed to be there ... but it is, and a lovely surprise it was too.
We're quite pleased with the Snowdrops. We didn't plant that many, and they're starting to clump up nicely.
This bamboo is really lovely, the stems giving a lovely warm glow all year 'round.
A cat procession
And, finally
A wrapped banana and bubble wrap covering the ground where the gingers are.
We covered the gingers in a good (4" - 5") layer of all purpose compost then put the bubble wrap over the top. The bubble wrap kept the compost dry, so it should have been a well insulated. We'll see soon, I expect.