June - some more photos
The next four photos are of the area on the South East of the garden (so, faces North West and is relatively shady).

This is the "bog garden" - we dug a hole about 90cm deep and lined it with polythene and filled it with soil and compost. It seems to retain the moisture well enough, but still needs watering to keep the levels topped up.
This is the "bog garden" - we dug a hole about 90cm deep and lined it with polythene and filled it with soil and compost. It seems to retain the moisture well enough, but still needs watering to keep the levels topped up.
This is the Acer that was in the Mediteranian (spelling) border - moved this weekend as it was getting sun-scorched and we had a space where the Photinia had been before dying off (fire blight, we think). We hope it survives as it really does look good just there and it's enabled us to move the Hosta pot and free up space on the patio.

And move the container with the fern under the Gleditsia at the back of the patio.

Alstromeria and Eryngium work well together. Not a combination I've seen elsewhere. We must be careful - we could easily fill the garden with Alstromerias.

The Eucomis look good, too. I hope they retain their upright habit better this year - giving a better setting for the flower display.
And move the container with the fern under the Gleditsia at the back of the patio.
Alstromeria and Eryngium work well together. Not a combination I've seen elsewhere. We must be careful - we could easily fill the garden with Alstromerias.
The Eucomis look good, too. I hope they retain their upright habit better this year - giving a better setting for the flower display.